Here are my own definitions of self-esteem. Can you relate to any? Remember, if we work on just one or two of these it's huge! Rome wasn't built in a day.
- You feel safe in your own skin
- You have healthy boundaries - ability to let in what helps and keep out what doesn’t
- You feel safe to be yourself around others even if they disagree with you
- You want to try new things even if you know you may fail (because you know it's not really failing!)
- You want to enjoy your life, not endure it
- You form close relationships while honouring your own desires and needs
- You listen to your feelings
- You know you have areas for improvement but you don't judge yourself harshly for this
- You listen to your own needs and don't feel guilty for having them
- You have the ability to live in the moment and enjoy the simple things in life
- You have peace of mind
- You have a sense of ease and trust in the universe/God. You know God/the universe has your back at all times, even when bad things happen